Need Help?

Our trained and compassionate volunteers are here to help. We provide resources that address the real needs of people who come to us for spiritual guidance, emotional support and day-to-day needs. If you would like to confidentially request pastoral care or more information on any of the below resources, please complete this Care & Support Request Form

Additional resources and information can found on our You Belong Here page or feel free to contact us.

Women to Women Mentoring

With God at the center - two ordinary women help each other explore the process of letting God bring out the best in them. For more information, visit

NEC Cares

NEC Cares is one to one support for anyone experiencing a difficult time in life. We walk with you through serious illness, bereavement, caring for others, job crisis, divorce, and other challenges that disrupt your life because NEC Cares. If you or someone you know is experiencing a difficult time, NEC Cares may be able to help.

Request Prayer


Can we pray for you? Please reach out to our devoted members of the NEC prayer team with any requests. We believe in the power of prayer as a source of healing, love and guidance. All requests will be kept confidential. When we return to in-person service, members of the team will be available to pray with people before, during and after services. The Prayer Team hosts Prayer Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of the month between services in the Youth Room. All are welcome!

Contact: The NEC Prayer Team at

Financial Health

We help those who are struggling with managing their finances to learn about and then apply God’s principles of managing money so they may experience God’s freedom in this area of their lives. If you or someone you know could benefit from financial peace, we encourage you to come and enhance your financial management skills by attending a series of Financial Peace University courses and/or individual/personal financial counseling.

Marriage & Parenting Health

Two NEC couples are now certified facilitators in the internationally-acclaimed Prepare & Enrich program. These loving but imperfect couples want to help others get out of a rut; stop fighting about the same thing over and over and ultimately grow closer when daily life tends to slowly tear us apart. If you want practical tools to manage conflict, appreciate each others styles and habits and identify ways to have fun together and communicate effectively, this may be the next best step. This is also a parenting track to find how to work together in this area.

Here's how it works: Prior to the first session, each spouse completes a private online assessment which helps identify their strengths and growth areas as a couple. It usually takes 30-45 minutes to take. It is NOT a test. Instead it will help you and the faciliators understand the relationship more fully using national norms based on over 500,000 premarital & married couples and over 35 years of research.

You meet privately with the trained facilitators up to four or six times over the course of a month or so as they provide feedback and teach relationship skills customized specifically for you. It's safe. It's faith based. And it's with another couple who wants the best for you.

If you would like to request assistance, please fill out the care and support request form at the top of this page.

Pre-Marital/Wedding Inquiry

Our pastors are trained in Prepare & Enrich program (see above) and will walk couples through this material as they prepare to wed. Interested in having one of the NEC Pastors officiate your wedding? Please complete this form.


Baptism allows us to demonstrate our connection with Jesus and with our church community and it is a celebrated moment for all of us. If you are parent of a young child or if you are an adult interested in the sacrament of baptism, please complete this Baptism Interest Form.

Hockomock YMCA - NEC Partner

This calendar and the Y’s Social Action Services (SAS) Community Guide is designed to provide a variety of resources and supportive services for friends and neighbors in our community. For more information and support, contact Brynne Kirwan, LCSW and

For those requesting help for others

Caring Meals

The Caring Meals volunteers provide meals for those who have given birth, are sick, had an accident or surgery, had a family death, or who are, for numerous reasons, temporarily incapacitated. We are here if you or someone you know could benefit from a Caring Meal.

SOS Team (help with home repairs)

SOS is a team of NEC volunteers who help families in need from our church as well as local communities with basic home repairs, painting or other small projects. No special skills required and kids 11 and older are welcome to participate with a parent. If you or someone you know could use a helping hand, NEC's SOS Team may be able to lend a hand.

Paper Angels

Paper Angels sends out thoughtful sympathy, encouragement and get well cards to people going through a rough time. Cards are sent to anyone brought the team’s attention.

Prayer Blanket Ministry

This team invites individuals to pray for a person who is going through an extremely difficult time such as loss of a child or spouse, life-threatening diagnosis such as cancer, or homelessness, etc. This team prepare a no sew fleece blanket and ask individuals to come and tie a knot, say a prayer, and sign a card of encouragement for the person. The cornerstone of the prayer blanket is the Holy Trinity that it is tied with a ring signifying God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus and signifies that it is an official New England Chapel Prayer Blanket. A special card is handmade and matches the theme of the prayer blanket. Please let us know you would like to nominate a person to receive a Prayer Blanket or would like to know when we are working on a Prayer Blankets.

  • This team has joined forces with our Worship Night team. Find them in the back of sanctuary on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. You can view the most recent blankets AND sign the card!