A Place to Call Home
Are we what you're looking for?
Look closer. We don't mind. We know we're a bit different from what you might be used to or what you had expected. These invitations are for you, whether you have just started attending and just want to know what we are all about or you've been here long enough to know you want NEC to be your church home.
'Get to Know* NEC'
A casual setting for those who want to know what we're all about
Held the first Sunday of the month
If you want to learn more about our beginnings (we’ve been in Franklin for 25 years) and our mission (which started as a conversations between friends who wanted to create a different kind of church), please attend our Get to Know session. Its an informal gathering where you can meet members of our team and get a behind-the-scenes look at all things NEC.
Thinking about making NEC your church home?
To Belong: When the space you take up in the world and the ways you inhabit it are welcome and necessary to the well-being of your community.
This session is the last step for those who are ready to make NEC your home. We will learn about the promises we (NEC and you) make to each other. It will help you decide if you want to become a part of NEC. Do any of these apply to you?
- You've attend a 'Get to Know NEC' session and you like what you heard OR you've been attending NEC for more than a year (You kind of know us by then!)
- Your faith is growing (by the way there is no end destination!)
- You are beginning to experience what it feels like to be part of the NEC community
- You want to officially name NEC as your church. This not only connects you with fun people, memberhsip opens up certain levels of 'in-house' communications and leadership opportunities
If you are interested in becoming a member, we invite you to attend our 'Belong' session. This 90-minute session (Sunday, November 3 after first service) is led by our senior pastor Mike Laird and scheduled periodically throughout the year. You must have already attended ‘Get to Know NEC’to come to the belong session.